Ron Hill Memorial Celebrates 50th Anniversary

- 12/12/2021

Attendees gathered at Mission Barbeque Saturday, December 11th 50 years to the day of the posts "First Muster" December 11, 1971 and the charter for Ronald Hill Memorial VFW Post 2245 was isssued December 12, 1971. 
Past State Commander Rich Coombe and current 5th District Quartermaster filled in for 5th District Commander Duane Lundgren who was unable to attend the celebration.  

Post News

Important Info for Post2245 Members

Ron Hill Memorial Celebrates 50th Anniversary

VFW Post 2245 members, wives, and offspring celebrated the 50th Anniversary of its VFW Charter, December 11, 1971

National News

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Ron Hill Memorial VFW Post 2245
164 W. Hawley St,  Grayslake, IL 
Meets the second Tuesday each month 
at the Grayslake History Museum

 Did you know the VFW has been responsible for every